What We Do

Provide chemical analysis and physical comparisons of many different types of materials and trace evidence.

Examinations are performed in order to identify a material in question or to determine if it could have originated from a particular source. The examinations and findings may also be useful as an investigative aid in cases where no suspect has yet been identified, or by associating a person with a particular location or occurrence, and may assist in establishing a sequence of events. In addition, identifying a material used at the time of an incident may be used to support or refute a witness statement.


See details of the Chemistry Section's services

Chemical Identification and Comparison

  • identification of unknown solids and liquids

  • ​identification of dangerous or toxic materials in food products

Dye-Pack Dye

  • identification of dye-pack dye from bank security devices on items such as currency, clothing, swabs


  • analysis of all types of explosives and post-blast debris including device components


  • identification and comparison of fibres from clothing, carpeting, rope, vehicles and other objects 

Fire Evidence

  • analysis of fire debris and other items for the presence of ignitable liquids such as petroleum products, alcohols, solvents, oils

Gunshot Residue

  • examination of hand kits, clothing and vehicles for gunshot residue particles


  • identification of pepper spray, tear gas, mace in dispensers and on items such as clothing, towels, swabs


  • identification of all types of metals including alloys, steels, precious metals


  • comparison of recovered paint chips and smears with paint from a known origin

  • vehicle make/model/year determination in hit-and-run investigations

Physical Match

  • examination of broken, cut or torn materials to determine if they were once part of the same object 

Plastics and Polymers

  • identification and comparison of all types of plastics e.g., car parts, foams, glues 

Sexual Lubricants

  • analysis of condom and personal lubricants on swabs and clothing 


  • examination of tapes including duct tape, electrical tape and tape adhesives 

  • physical matching of tape ends 

Additional Information

Technical Information Sheets

Chemistry Instructional Videos

Fire Debris Acceptance Criteria and Packaging Guide